Thirty three years ago a young missionary couple had a critically ill daughter in a 3rd world country. Needing immediate surgery her father smuggled her out of the country and successfully reached the United States where the initial surgeries were successful. The couple was then told, your daughter has a heart defect that we can’t operate on until she’s 2 years old, but she will probably die within a month.

What happened? Find out here ->

Seven years ago, a young couple with a heart for the world was facing the real possibility that infertility was going to be a constant part of their life. Wanting to give something of themselves to a child in need they signed up to sponsor a young boy with World Vision living in a third world country facing poverty, major societal shifts due to refugees, and sea level rise. Cards have been exchanged and multiple pictures of this now thirteen young man can be found on this couple’s refrigerator.

His name is Nirob and he needs Jesus.

Just over two years ago, a young piano teacher was asked by a woman from Chad to teach her two boys piano. With natural skill they took to the instrument with zest. This family moved to Switzerland whereupon they asked this piano teacher to follow up on her true passion to teach English to these two boys courtesy of the World Trade Organization.

Tomorrow, my wife (the daughter, the wife, and the piano/ESL teacher) and I will begin a trip that will pull all three of these God stories and relationships together. This will be the culmination of decades of prayer on her parents’ part to return to Nepal and getting to share a country that they love with their daughter and the son-in-law that they prayed they would meet and see when there was a very real possibility there wouldn’t be one. Please pray that God would be honored, we would spot divine opportunities, and that we would show God’s love to everyone we meet. Finally please pray that Stephanie and I would come back refreshed and closer as a couple